Date(s) - September 7, 2022
7:00 pm

Have You Eaten Yet?: Markham’s Shared Immigrant Experiences

Author Cheuk Kwan, a self-described “card-carrying member of the Chinese diaspora,” links personal stories of people who populate Chinese kitchens all over the world, from Canada to Israel to Brazil, in this year’s Markham Reads book, “ Have you Eaten Yet?” We invite everyone from our Cantonese and Mandarin communities , especially those who may have or know of someone with a shared experience for this special program of shared stories, that will be conducted in both Cantonese and Mandarin and will be facilitated by the author Cheuk Kwan.

Cheuk Kwan grew up in Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan. His Chinese Restaurants television series brings together his diasporic experience and love of food and travel. His new book Have You Eaten Yet? draws out a global narrative of the Chinese diaspora by linking together personal stories from Chinese kitchens world-wide.

作家關卓中先生出生於香港,成長於新加坡,中學時期搬到日本,長大後到美國讀大學,及後再移民到加拿大定居,這段跨越多個不同國家,不同民族,不同語言,不同飲食和文化的經歷。 作為華僑的他對異地的中餐館十分好奇和感興趣。這本書 “你吃飯了嗎” 共使用了四年時間,從土耳其的伊斯坦堡,到挪威的北極圈, 走訪五大洲,十五個國家探訪和深入了解其中十六 間中餐館背後的故事和 業主中背後的人生經歷,無論是土生, 移民, 或流亡過來的, 這十六家中餐館背後都有自己獨特而精彩的故事。 而萬錦圖書館也列這本書為今年的”萬錦閱讀”重點推介。今次的書談,我們有幸邀請到這本書的作者關卓中先生一起詳談華裔背後的移民故事。我們誠意邀請有興趣者一起參與,一起分享自己,家人或朋友的跨國故事,這講坐會以普通話和廣東話進行。

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